Story Settings

The Story Settings panel allows the editor to configure which additional components should appear to end users in the story view (like the Title, a Logo and the Navigation Toolbar): these components, if properly configured, will appear in the top bar of the story itself. The Story settings panel is available in Edit Mode and it can be opened by clicking on the Settings button .

The editor can enable or disable and edit the following components:

  • The Title of the story, the default value is the title given to the story's resource in MapStore

  • The Theme to choose the default background and text color of the whole story: clicking on the Change Color button a color picker appears to allow selecting the desired color:

  • The story Logo, that can be for example an image that represents your organization or something connected to the story itself.

  • The Navigation Toolbar to improve the story navigation for end users. Each section of the story is reported in a tree and the editor can establish which section should appear in the toolbar to allow end users to quickly navigate the story.

Saving the story settings and going back in View Mode, the top bar looks like this: