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Map Configuration

By default MapStore is able to open maps with this path in the URL:



  • maptype can be leaflet openlayers or cesium.
  • mapId can be a number or a string.
  • A number represents standard maps, stored on the database.
  • A string instead represents a static json file in the root of the application.

The first case can be used to load a map from the maps database, using its id.

There is a special mapId, 0 (zero), that is used to load a basic OSM map for demo purposes.


The configuration of this map is stored in the static config.json file in the root of the project.

The second case can be used to define standard map contexts.

This is used for the new map. If you're logged in and allowed to create maps, when you try to create a new map you will see the the application will bring you to the URL:


This page uses the new.json file as a template configuration to start creating a new map. You can find this file in web/client/configs directory for standard MapStore or in configs/ folder for a custom projects. You can edit new.json to customize this initial template. It typically contains the map backgrounds you want to use for all the new maps (identified by the special property "group": "background").

If you have enabled the datadir, then you can externalize the new.json or config.json files. (see here for more details)

new.json and config.json are special cases, but you can configure your own static map context creating these json files in the root of the project, for instance mycontext.json and accessing them at the URL:


important note: new.json and config.json are special files and don't require the version. For other map context, you must specify the version of the map file type in the root of the json file:

        "version": 2,
        // ...

These static map contexts are accessible by anyone. If you want to customize standard maps (that are listed in home page and where you can define) manually, you will have to edit the maps using the GeoStore REST API.

Map options

The following options define the map options (projection, position, layers):

  • projection: {string} expressed in EPSG values
  • units: {string} uom of the coordinates
  • center: [object] center of the map with starting point in the bottom-left corner
  • zoom: {number} level of zoom
  • resolutions: {number[]} resolutions for each level of zoom
  • scales: {number[]} scales used to compute the map resolutions
  • maxExtent: {number[]} max bbox of the map expressed [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
  • layers: {object[]} list of layers to be loaded on the map
  • groups {object[]}: contains information about the layer groups


    "version": 2,
    "projection": "EPSG:900913",
    "units": "m",
    "center": {"x": 1000000.000000, "y": 5528000.000000, "crs": "EPSG:900913"},
    "zoom": 15,
    "mapOptions": {
      "view": {
        "scales": [175000, 125000, 100000, 75000, 50000, 25000, 10000, 5000, 2500],
        "resolutions": [
    "maxExtent": [
        -20037508.34, -20037508.34,
        20037508.34, 20037508.34
    "layers": [{...},{...}]


The option to configure a list of scale denominators allow to have them in human friendly format, and calculate the map resolutions from scales.


If the scales and resolutions property are declared, in the same json object, the scales have priority. In the array, the values have be in descending order.


Actually the custom resolution values are valid for one single CRS. It's therefore suggested to avoid to add this parameter when multiple CRSs in the same map configuration are needed.

Layers options

Every layer has it's own properties. Anyway there are some options valid for every layer:

  • title: {object|string} the title of the layer, can be an object to support i18n.
  • type: {string} the type of the layer. Can be wms, wmts, osm...
  • name: {string} the name is used as general reference to the layer, or as title, if the title is not specified. Anyway, it's usage depends on the specific layer type.
  • group: {string}: the group of the layer (in the TOC). Nested groups can be indicated using /. i.e. Group/SubGroup. A special group, background, is used to identify background layers. These layers will not be available in the TOC, but only in the background switcher, and only one layer of this group can be visible.
  • thumbURL: {string}: the URL of the thumbnail for the layer, used in the background switcher ( if the layer is a background layer )
  • visibility: {boolean}: indicates if the layer is visible or not
  • queriable: {boolean}: Indicates if the layer is queriable (e.g. getFeatureInfo). If not present the default is true for every layer that have some implementation available (WMS, WMTS). Usually used to set it explicitly to false, where the query service is not available.
  • hideLoading: {boolean}. If true, loading events will be ignored ( useful to hide loading with some layers that have problems or trigger errors loading some tiles or if they do not have any kind of loading.).
  • minResolution: {number}: layer is visible if zoom resolution is greater or equal than this value (inclusive)
  • maxResolution: {number}: layer is visible if zoom resolution is less than this value (exclusive)
  • disableResolutionLimits: {boolean}: this property disables the effect of minResolution and maxResolution if set to true


    "title": "Open Street Map",
    "name": "mapnik",
    "group": "background",
    "visibility": false,
    "hidden": true

Localized titles: In these configuration files you can localize titles using an object instead of a string in the title entry. In this case the title object has this shape:

title: {
      'default': 'Meteorite Landings from NASA Open Data Portal', // default title, used in case the localized entry is not present
      'it-IT': 'Atterraggi meteoriti', // one string for each IETF language tag you want to support.
      'en-US': 'Meteorite Landings',
      'fr-FR': 'DƩbarquements de mƩtƩorites'

Layer types

  • wms: WMS - Web Mapping Service layers
  • osm: OpenStreetMap layers format
  • tileprovider: Some other mixed specific tile providers
  • wmts: WMTS: Web Map Tile Service layers
  • bing: Bing Maps layers
  • google: Google Maps layers
  • mapquest: MapQuest layers
  • graticule: Vector layer that shows a coordinates grid over the map, with optional labels
  • empty: special type for empty background
  • 3dtiles: 3d tiles layers
  • terrain: layers that define the elevation profile of the terrain



    "type": "wms",
    "url": "http..." // URL of the WMS Service
    "name": "TEST:TEST", // The name of the layer
    "format": "image/png8" // format
    "title": "Open Street Map",
    "name": "mapnik",
    "group": "background",
    "visibility": false,
    "params": {}, // can be used to add parameters to the request, or override the default ones
    "credits": { // optional
        "imageUrl": "somePic.png", // URL for the image to put in attribution
        "link": "", // URL where attribution have to link to
        "title": "text to render" // title to show (as image title or as text)

You can also configure a WMS layer also as background, like this:

        "format": "image/jpeg",
        "name": "workspace:layername",
        "params": {},
        "singleTile": false,
        "title": "My WMS Background",
        "type": "wms",
        "group": "background",
        "thumbURL": "http://some.wms.service/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.3.0&LAYERS=rv%3Arv1&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&TRANSPARENT=true&HEIGHT=256&WIDTH=256&TILED=true&ZINDEX=2&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&CRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=3757032.814272983,5009377.08569731,5009377.085697311,6261721.35712164",
        "url": "http://some.wms.service/geoserver/ows",
        "visibility": false
Multiple URLs

This feature is not yet fully supported by all the plugins, but OpenLayers supports it so if you put an array of urls instead of a single string in the layer url. Some other feature will break, for example the layer properties will stop working, so it is safe to use only on background layers.

  "type": "wms",
  "url": [
  "visibility": true,
  "opacity": 1,
  "title": "OSM",
  "name": "osm:osm",
  "group": "Meteo",
  "format": "image/png8",
  "bbox": {
    "bounds": {"minx": -180, "miny": -90, "maxx": 180, "maxy": 90},
    "crs": "EPSG:4326"
special case - The Elevation layer


This type of layer configuration is still needed to show the elevation data inside the MousePosition plugin. The terrain layer section shows a more versatile way of handling elevation but it will work only as visualization in the 3D map viewer.

WMS layers can be configured to be used as a source for elevation related functions.

This requires:

  • a GeoServer WMS service with the DDS/BIL plugin
  • A WMS layer configured with BIL 16 bit output in big endian mode and -9999 nodata value
  • a static layer in the Map plugin configuration (use the additionalLayers configuration option):

in localConfig.json

    "name": "Map",
    "cfg": {
        "additionalLayers": [{
            "url": "http...",
            "format": "application/bil16",
            "type": "wms",
            "name": "elevation",
            "littleendian": false,
            "visibility": true,
            "useForElevation": true

The layer will be used for:

  • showing elevation in the MousePosition plugin (requires showElevation: true in the plugin configuration)
  • as a TerrainProvider if the maptype is Cesium

in localConfig.json

    "name": "MousePosition",
    "cfg": {
        "showElevation": true,


WMTS Layer require a source object in the sources object of the map configuration where to retrieve the tileMatrixSet. The source is identified by the capabilitiesURL. (if capabilitiesURL is not present it will use the url, in case of multiple URLs, the first one.).

A WMTS layer can have a requestEncoding that is RESTful or KVP. In case of RESTful the URL is a template where to place the request parameters ( see the example below ), while in the KVP the request parameters are in the query string. See the WMTS standard for more details.

e.g. (RESTful):

  "version": 2,
  // ...
  "map": {
    // ...
    "layers": [
        // WMTS layer sample
        "id": "bmapoberflaeche__11",
        "name": "layer_name",
        // ...
        "type": "wmts",
        "url": [ // MULTIPLE URLS are allowed
        "allowedSRS": {
          "EPSG:3857": true
        "matrixIds": [
        "tileMatrixSet": true,
        // KVP (By default) or RESTful
        "requestEncoding": "RESTful",
        // identifier for the source
        "capabilitiesURL": "",
    "sources": {
      // source of the layer above
      "": {
        "tileMatrixSet": {
          "google3857": {
            "ows:Identifier": "google3857",
            "ows:BoundingBox": {
              "$": {
                "crs": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.18.3:3857"
              "ows:LowerCorner": "977650 5838030",
              "ows:UpperCorner": "1913530 6281290"
            "ows:SupportedCRS": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.18.3:3857",
            "WellKnownScaleSet": "urn:ogc:def:wkss:OGC:1.0:GoogleMapsCompatible",
            "TileMatrix": [
                "ows:Identifier": "0",
                "ScaleDenominator": "559082264.029",
                "TopLeftCorner": "-20037508.3428 20037508.3428",
                "TileWidth": "256",
                "TileHeight": "256",
                "MatrixWidth": "1",
                "MatrixHeight": "1"
                "ows:Identifier": "1",
                "ScaleDenominator": "279541132.015",
                "TopLeftCorner": "-20037508.3428 20037508.3428",
                "TileWidth": "256",
                "TileHeight": "256",
                "MatrixWidth": "2",
                "MatrixHeight": "2"
              // ...more levels

e.g. (KVP)

  "version": 2,
  "map": {
    // ...
    "projection": "EPSG:900913",
    "layers": [
      // ...
        // requestEncoding is KVP by default
        "id": "EMSA:S52 Standard__6",
        "name": "EMSA:S52 Standard",
        "description": "S52 Standard",
        "title": "S52 Standard",
        "type": "wmts",
        // if the capabilitiesURL is not present, the `url` will be used to identify the source.
        // (for retro-compatibility with existing layers)
        "url": "http://some.domain/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts",
        "bbox": {
          "crs": "EPSG:4326",
          "bounds": {
            "minx": "-180.0",
            "miny": "-79.99999999999945",
            "maxx": "180.0",
            "maxy": "83.99999999999999"
        // list of allowed SRS
        "allowedSRS": {
          "EPSG:4326": true,
          "EPSG:3857": true,
          "EPSG:900913": true
        // list of the available matrixes for the layer
        "matrixIds": [
        "tileMatrixSet": true
    // ...
    "sources": {
      "http://some.domain/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts": {
        "tileMatrixSet": {
          "EPSG:32761": {/*...*/},
          "EPSG:3857": {/*...*/},
          "EPSG:4326": {/*...*/},
          "EPSG:32661": {/*...*/},
          "EPSG:3395": {/*...*/},
          "EPSG:900913": {
            "ows:Identifier": "EPSG:900913",
            // the supported CRS
            "ows:SupportedCRS": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::900913",
            "TileMatrix": [
                "ows:Identifier": "EPSG:900913:0",
                "ScaleDenominator": "5.590822639508929E8",
                "TopLeftCorner": "-2.003750834E7 2.0037508E7",
                "TileWidth": "256",
                "TileHeight": "256",
                "MatrixWidth": "1",
                "MatrixHeight": "1",

                "ranges": {
                  "cols": {
                    "min": "0",
                    "max": "0"
                  "rows": {
                    "min": "0",
                    "max": "0"
                "ows:Identifier": "EPSG:900913:1",
                "ScaleDenominator": "2.7954113197544646E8",
                "TopLeftCorner": "-2.003750834E7 2.0037508E7",
                "TileWidth": "256",
                "TileHeight": "256",
                "MatrixWidth": "2",
                "MatrixHeight": "2",
                // these ranges limit the tiles available for the grid level
                "ranges": {
                  "cols": {
                    "min": "0",
                    "max": "1"
                  "rows": {
                    "min": "0",
                    "max": "1"
                "ows:Identifier": "EPSG:900913:2",
                "ScaleDenominator": "1.3977056598772323E8",
                "TopLeftCorner": "-2.003750834E7 2.0037508E7",
                "TileWidth": "256",
                "TileHeight": "256",
                "MatrixWidth": "4",
                "MatrixHeight": "4",
                "ranges": {
                  "cols": {
                    "min": "0",
                    "max": "3"
                  "rows": {
                    "min": "0",
                    "max": "3"





The use of Google maps tiles in MapStore is not enabled and maintained due to licensing reasons. If your usage conditions respect the google license, you can enable the google layers by:

  • Adding <script src=""></script> to all html files you need it.
  • Add your API-KEY to the request
  • Fix the code, if needed.


        "type": "google",
        "title": "Google HYBRID",
        "name": "HYBRID",
        "source": "google",
        "group": "background",
        "visibility": false



    "type": "osm",
    "title": "Open Street Map",
    "name": "mapnik",
    "source": "osm",
    "group": "background",
    "visibility": true


TileProvider is a shortcut to easily configure many different layer sources. It's enough to add provider property and 'tileprovider' as type property to the layer configuration object. provider should be in the form of ProviderName.VariantName.


    "type": "tileprovider",
    "title": "Title",
    "provider": "Stamen.Toner", // "ProviderName.VariantName"
    "name": "Name",
    "group": "GroupName",
    "visibility": false

Options passed in configuration object, if already configured by TileProvider, will be overridden.

Openlayers' TileProvider at the moment doesn't support minZoom configuration property and high resolution map.

In case of missing provider or if provider: "custom", the tile provider can be customized and configured internally. You can configure the url as a template, than you can configure options add specific options (maxNativeZoom, subdomains).

    "type": "tileprovider",
    "title": "Title",
    "provider": "custom", // or undefined
    "name": "Name",
    "group": "GroupName",
    "visibility": false,
    "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    "options": {
        "subdomains": [ "a", "b"]
Providers and variants

This is a not maintained list of providers and variants. For the most updated list check the code here

Some of them may need some additional configuration or API keys.



The layer type vector is the type used for imported data (geojson, shapefile) or for annotations. Generally speaking, any vector data added directly to the map. This is the typical fields of a vector layer

        "color":"rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)",
        "fillColor":"rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)"
  • features: features in GeoJSON format.
  • style: the style object.
  • styleName: name of a style to use (e.g. "marker").
  • hideLoading: boolean. if true, the loading will not be taken into account.

WFS Layer

A vector layer, whose data source is a WFS service. The configuration has properties in common with both WMS and vector layers. it contains the search entry that allows to browse the data on the server side. The styling system is the same of the vector layer.

This layer differs from the "vector" because all the loading/filtering/querying operations are applied directly using the WFS service, without storing anything locally.


Vector Style

The vector and wfs layer types are rendered by the client as GeoJSON features and it possible to apply specific symbolizer using the style property available in the layer options. The style object is composed by these properties

  • format the format encoding used by style body
  • body the actual style rules and symbolizers


  "type": "vector",
  "features": [],
  "style": {
    "format": "geostyler",
    "body": {
      "name": "My Style",
      "rules": [
          "name": "My Rule",
          "symbolizers": [
              "kind": "Line",
              "color": "#3075e9",
              "opacity": 1,
              "width": 2

The default format used by MapStore is "geostyler" that is an encoding based on the geostyler-style specification that could include some variations or limitations related to the map libraries used by MapStore app. We suggest to refer to following doc for the rule/symbolizer properties available in MapStore.

Ths style body is composed by following properties:

  • name style name
  • rules list of rule object that describe the style

A rule object is composed by following properties:

  • name rule name that could be used to generate a legend
  • filter filter expression
  • symbolizers list of symbolizer object that describe the rule (usually one per rule)

The filter expression define with features should be rendered with the symbolizers listed in the rule


// simple comparison condition structure
// [operator, property key, value]
  "filter": ["==", "count", 10]

// mulitple condition with logical operato
// [logical operator, [condition], [condition]]
  "filter": [
    [">", "height", 10],
    ["==", "category", "building"]

Available logical operators:

Operator Description
\|\| OR operator
&& AND operator

Available comparison operators:

Operator Description
== equal to
*= like (for string type)
!= is not
< less than
<= less and equal than
> grater than
>= grater and equal than

The symbolizer could be of following kinds:

  • Mark symbolizer properties
Property Description 2D 3D
kind must be equal to Mark x x
color fill color of the mark x x
fillOpacity fill opacity of the mark x x
strokeColor stroke color of the mark x x
strokeOpacity stroke opacity of the mark x x
strokeWidth stroke width of the mark x x
radius radius size in px of the mark x x
wellKnownName rendered shape, one of Circle, Square, Triangle, Star, Cross, X, shape://vertline, shape://horline, shape://slash, shape://backslash, shape://dot, shape://plus, shape://times, shape://oarrow or shape://carrow x x
msBringToFront this boolean will allow setting the disableDepthTestDistance value for the feature. This would x
msHeightReference reference to compute the distance of the point geometry, one of none, ground or clamp x
msHeight height of the point, the original geometry is applied if undefined x
msLeaderLineColor color of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain x
msLeaderLineOpacity opacity of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain x
msLeaderLineWidth width of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain x
  • Icon symbolizer properties | Property | Description | 2D | 3D | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | kind | must be equal to Icon | x | x | | image | url of the image to use as icon | x | x | | size | size of the icon | x | x | | opacity | opacity of the icon | x | x | | rotate | rotation of the icon | x | x | | msBringToFront | this boolean will allow setting the disableDepthTestDistance value for the feature. This would | | x | | msHeightReference | reference to compute the distance of the point geometry, one of none, ground or clamp | | x | | msHeight | height of the point, the original geometry is applied if undefined | | x | | msLeaderLineColor | color of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x | | msLeaderLineOpacity | opacity of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x | | msLeaderLineWidth | width of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x |

  • Line symbolizer properties | Property | Description | 2D | 3D | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | kind | must be equal to Line | x | x | | color | stroke color of the line | x | x | | opacity | stroke opacity of the line | x | x | | width | stroke width of the line | x | x | | dasharray | array that represent the dashed line intervals | x | x | | msClampToGround | this boolean will allow setting the clampToGround value for the feature. This would only apply on Cesium maps. | | x |

  • Fill symbolizer properties | Property | Description | 2D | 3D | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | kind | must be equal to Fill | x | x | | color | fill color of the polygon | x | x | | fillOpacity | fill opacity of the polygon | x | x | | outlineColor | outline color of the polygon | x | x | | outlineOpacity | outline opacity of the polygon | x | x | | outlineWidth | outline width of the polygon | x | x | | msClassificationType | allow setting classificationType value for the feature. This would only apply on polygon graphics in Cesium maps. | | x | | msClampToGround | this boolean will allow setting the clampToGround value for the feature. This would only apply on Cesium maps. | | x |

  • Text symbolizer properties | Property | Description | 2D | 3D | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | kind | must be equal to Text | x | x | | label | text to show in the label, the {{propertyKey}} notetion allow to access feature properties (eg. 'feature name is {{name}}') | x | x | | font | array of font family names | x | x | | size | font size of the label | x | x | | fontStyle | font style of the label: normal or italic | x | x | | fontWeight | font style of the label: normal or bold | x | x | | color | font color of the label | x | x | | haloColor | halo color of the label | x | x | | haloWidth | halo width of the label | x | x | | offset | array of x and y values offset of the label | x | x | | msBringToFront | this boolean will allow setting the disableDepthTestDistance value for the feature. This would | | x | | msHeightReference | reference to compute the distance of the point geometry, one of none, ground or clamp | | x | | msHeight | height of the point, the original geometry is applied if undefined | | x | | msLeaderLineColor | color of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x | | msLeaderLineOpacity | opacity of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x | | msLeaderLineWidth | width of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x |

  • Model symbolizer properties (custom symbolizer to visualize 3D model as point geometries) | Property | Description | 2D | 3D | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | kind | must be equal to Model | | x | | model | url of a 3D .glb file | | x | | heading | heading rotation | | x | | pitch | pitch rotation | | x | | roll | roll rotation | | x | | scale | scale factor | | x | | color | color mixed with the mesh texture/material | | x | | opacity | color opacity | | x | | msHeightReference | reference to compute the distance of the point geometry, one of none, ground or clamp | | x | | msHeight | height of the point, the original geometry is applied if undefined | | x | | msLeaderLineColor | color of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x | | msLeaderLineOpacity | opacity of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x | | msLeaderLineWidth | width of the leading line connecting the point to the terrain | | x |

Legacy Vector Style (deprecated)

The style or styleName properties of vector layers (wfs, vector...) allow to apply a style to the local data on the map.

  • style: a style object/array. It can have different formats. In the simplest case it is an object that uses some leaflet-like style properties:
  • weight: width in pixel of the border / line.
  • radius: radius of the circle (valid only for Point types)
  • opacity: opacity of the border / line.
  • color: color of the border / line.
  • fillOpacity: opacity of the fill if any. (Polygons, Point)
  • fillColor: color of the fill, if any. (Polygons, Point)
  • styleName: if set to marker, the style object will be ignored and it will use the default marker.

In case of vector layer, style can be added also to the specific features. Other ways of defining the style for a vector layer have to be documented.

Advanced Vector Styles (deprecated)

To support advanced styles (like multiple rules, symbols, dashed lines, start point, end point) the style can be configured also in a different format, as an array of objects and you can define them feature by feature, adding a "style" property.


This advanced style functionality has been implemented to support annotations, at the moment this kind of advanced style options is supported only as a property of the single feature object, not as global style.

SVG Symbol (deprecated)

The following options are available for a SVG symbol.

  • symbolUrl: a URL (also a data URL is ok) for the symbol to use (SVG format). You can anchor the symbol using:
  • iconAnchor: array of x,y position of the offset of the symbol from top left corner.
  • anchorXUnits, anchorYUnits unit of the iconAnchor (fraction or pixels).
  • size: the size in pixel of the square that contains the symbol to draw. The size is used to center and to cut the original svg, so it must fit the svg.
  • dashArray: Array of line, space size, in pixels. ["6","6"] Will draw the border of the symbol dashed. It is applied also to a generic line or polygon geometry.
Markers and glyphs (deprecated)

These are the available options for makers. These are specific of annotations for now, so allowed values have to be documented.

  • iconGlyph: e.g. "shopping-cart"
  • iconShape: e.g. "circle"
  • iconColor: e.g. "red"
  • iconAnchor: [0.5,0.5]
Multiple rules and filtering (deprecated)

In order to support start point and end point symbols, you could find in the style these entries:

  • geometry: "endPoint"|"startPoint", identify how to get the geometry from
  • filtering: if true, the geometry filter is applied.

Example (deprecated)

Here an example of a layer with:

  • a point styled with SVG symbol,
  • a polygon with dashed style
  • a line with start-end point styles as markers with icons
        "type": "vector",
        "visibility": true,
        "id": "styled-vector-layer",
        "name": "styled-vector-layer",
        "hideLoading": true,
        "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [2,0]
            "properties": {},
            "style": [
                "iconAnchor": [0.5,0.5],
                "anchorXUnits": "fraction",
                "anchorYUnits": "fraction",
                "opacity": 1,
                "size": 30,
                "symbolUrl": "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='30' height='30'%3E%3Crect  x='5' y='5' width='20' height='20' style='fill:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:5;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)' /%3E%3C/svg%3E",
                "shape": "triangle",
                "id": "c65cadc0-9b46-11ea-a138-dd5f1faf9a0d",
                "highlight": false,
                "weight": 4
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [[[0, 0],[1, 0],[1, 1],[0,1],[ 0,0]]]
            "properties": {},
            "style": [
                "color": "#d0021b",
                "opacity": 1,
                "weight": 3,
                "fillColor": "#4a90e2",
                "fillOpacity": 0.5,
                "highlight": false,
                "dashArray": ["6","6"]
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
              "coordinates": [[0, 2],[ 0,3]],
              "type": "LineString"
            "properties": {},
            "style": [
                "color": "#ffcc33",
                "opacity": 1,
                "weight": 3,
                "editing": {
                  "fill": 1
                "highlight": false
                "iconGlyph": "comment",
                "iconShape": "square",
                "iconColor": "blue",
                "highlight": false,
                "iconAnchor": [ 0.5,0.5],
                "type": "Point",
                "title": "StartPoint Style",
                "geometry": "startPoint",
                "filtering": true
                "iconGlyph": "shopping-cart",
                "iconShape": "circle",
                "iconColor": "red",
                "highlight": false,
                "iconAnchor": [ 0.5,0.5 ],
                "type": "Point",
                "title": "EndPoint Style",
                "geometry": "endPoint",
                "filtering": true




    "type": "graticule",
    "labels": true,
    "frame": true, // adds a frame to the map, to better highlight labels
    "frameRatio": 0.07, // frame percentage size (7%)
    "style": { // style for the grid lines
        "color": "#000000",
        "weight": 1,
        "lineDash": [0.5, 4],
        "opacity": 0.5
    "frameStyle": { // style for the optional frame
        "color": "#000000",
        "weight": 1,
        "fillColor": "#FFFFFF"
    "labelXStyle": { // style for X coordinates labels
        "color": "#000000",
        "font": "sans-serif",
        "fontWeight": "bold",
        "fontSize": "20",
        "labelOutlineColor": "#FFFFFF",
        "labelOutlineWidth": 2
    "labelYStyle": { // style for Y coordinates labels
        "color": "#000000",
        "font": "sans-serif",
        "fontWeight": "bold",
        "fontSize": "20",
        "labelOutlineColor": "#FFFFFF",
        "labelOutlineWidth": 2,
        "rotation": 90,
        "verticalAlign": "top",
        "textAlign": "center"

3D tiles

This type of layer shows 3d tiles version 1.0 inside the Cesium viewer. This layer will not be visible inside 2d map viewer types: openlayer or leaflet. See specification for more info about 3d tiles here.


    "type": "3dtiles",
    "url": "http..." // URL of tileset.json file
    "title": "3D tiles layer",
    "visibility": true,
    // optional
    "heightOffset": 0, // height offest applied to the complete tileset
    "style": {
      "format": "3dtiles",
      "body": { // 3d tiles style
        "color": "color('#43a2ca', 1)"

The style body object for the format 3dtiles accepts rules described in the 3d tiles styling specification version 1.0 available here.


terrain layer allows the customization of the elevation profile of the globe mesh in the Cesium 3d viewer. Currently Mapstore supports three different types of terrain providers. If no terrain layer is defined the default elevation profile for the globe would be the ellipsoid that provides a rather flat profile.

The other two available terrain providers are the wms (that supports DDL/BIL types of assets) and the cesium (that support resources compliant with the Cesium terrain format).

In order to create a wms based mesh there are some requirements that need to be fulfilled:

  • a GeoServer WMS service with the DDS/BIL plugin
  • A WMS layer configured with BIL 16 bit output in big endian mode and -9999 nodata value
  • BILTerrainProvider is used to parse wms based mesh. Supports three ways in parsing the metadata of the layer

    1. Layer configuration with sufficient metadata of the layer. This prevents a call to getCapabilities eventually improving performance of the parsing of the layer. Mandatory fields are url, name, crs.

        "type": "terrain",
        "provider": "wms",
        "url": "http://hot-sample/geoserver/wms",
        "name": "workspace:layername", 
        "littleEndian": false,
        "visibility": true,
        "crs": "CRS:84" // Supports only CRS:84 | EPSG:4326 | EPSG:3857 | OSGEO:41001
    2. Layer configuration of geoserver layer with layer name prefixed with workspace, then the getCapabilities is requested only for that layer

      "type": "terrain",
      "provider": "wms",
      "url": "https://host-sample/geoserver/wms", // 'geoserver' url
      "name": "workspace:layername", // name of the geoserver resource with workspace prefixed
      "littleEndian": false
    3. Layer configuration of geoserver layer with layer name not prefixed with workspace then getCapabilities is requested in global scope.

      "type": "terrain",
      "provider": "wms",
      "url": "https://host-sample/geoserver/wms",
      "name": "layername",
      "littleEndian": false


With wms as provider, the format option is not needed, as Mapstore supports only image/bil format and is used by default

Generic layer configuration of type terrain and provide wms as follows. The layer configuration needs to point to the geoserver resource and define the type of layer and the type of provider, here all available properties:

  "type": "terrain",
  "provider": "wms",
  "url": "https://host-sample/geoserver/wms",
  "name": "workspace:layername", // name of the geoserver resource
  "littleEndian": false, // defines whether buffer is in little or big endian
  "visibility": true,
  // optional properties
  "crs": "CRS:84", // projection of the layer, support only CRS:84 | EPSG:4326 | EPSG:3857 | OSGEO:41001
  "version": "1.3.0", // version used for the WMS request
  "heightMapWidth": 65, // width  of a tile in pixels, default value 65
  "heightMapHeight": 65, // height of a tile in pixels, default value 65
  "waterMask": false,
  "offset": 0, // offset of the tiles (in meters)
  "highest": 12000, // highest altitude in the tiles (in meters)
  "lowest": -500, // lowest altitude in the tiles
  "sampleTerrainZoomLevel": 18 // zoom level used to perform sampleTerrain and get the height value given a point, used by measure components


The terrain layer of cesium type allows using Cesium terrain format compliant services (like Cesium Ion resources or MapTiler meshes). The options attributte allows for further customization of the terrain properties (see available options on the Cesium documentation for the cesium terrain provider)

  "type": "terrain",
  "provider": "cesium",
  "url": "https://terrain-provider-service-url/?key={apiKey}",
  "visibility": true,
  "options": {
    // requestVertexNormals, requestWatermask, credit...

In order to use these layers they need to be added to the additionalLayers in localConfig.json. The globe only accepts one terrain provider so in case of adding more than one the last one will take precedence and be used to create the elevation profile.

    "name": "Map",
    "cfg": {
        "additionalLayers": [{
            "type": "terrain",
            "provider": "wms",
            "url": "https://host-sample/geoserver/wms",
            "name": "workspace:layername",  // name of the geoserver resource
            "littleEndian": false,
            "visibility": true,
            "crs": "CRS:84"

Layer groups

Inside the map configuration, near the layers entry, you can find also the groups entry. This array contains information about the groups in the TOC. A group entry has this shape:

  • id: the id of the group.
  • expanded: boolean that keeps the status (expanded/collapsed) of the group.
  • title: a string or an object (for i18n) with the title of the group. i18n object format is the same of layer's title.
"title": {
        "default": "Root Group",
        "it-IT": "Gruppo radice",
        "en-US": "Root Group",
        "de-DE": "Wurzelgruppe",
        "fr-FR": "Groupe Racine",
        "es-ES": "Grupo RaĆ­z"


  "id": "GROUP_ID",
  "title": "Some default title"
  "expanded": true

Other supported formats

The JSON format above is the standard MapStore format. Anyway MapStore allows to import/export different kinds of formats for maps.

Web Map Context

MapStore provides support for OGC Web Map Context(WMC) files. They can be imported either using Import plugin functionality, or from within a context using Map Templates plugin. MapStore maps can also be exported in WMC format through Export plugin.

The important thing to remember when exporting MapStore maps to WMC format is that it only supports WMS layers, meaning any non-WMS layers(such as tiled OSM backgrounds for example) will not be preserved in the resulting WMC file. The exact way in which the conversion happens is described in further detail throughout this document.

WMC File Structure

WMC context file generated by MapStore is an XML file with the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ViewContext xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.1.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <Title>MapStore Context</Title>
        <Abstract>This is a map exported from MapStore2.</Abstract>
        <BoundingBox minx="-20037508.34" miny="-20037508.34" maxx="20037508.34" maxy="20037508.34" SRS="EPSG:900913"/>
            <!--general extensions go here-->
        <Layer queryable="0" hidden="0">
        <Title>USA Population</Title>
        <Server service="OGC:WMS" version="1.3.0">
            <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/>
            <Dimension name="elevation" units="EPSG:5030" unitSymbol="m" default="0.0" multipleValues="1">0.0,200.0,400.0,600.0</Dimension>
            <Dimension name="time" units="ISO8601" default="current" multipleValues="1">2016-02-23T03:00:00.000Z,2016-02-23T06:00:00.000Z</Dimension>
            <!--...other dimensions-->
            <Format current="1">image/png</Format>
            <!--...other formats-->
                <Title>Population in the United States</Title>
                <LegendURL width="81" height="80" format="image/png">
                    <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=";request=GetLegendGraphic&amp;format=image%2Fpng&amp;width=20&amp;height=20&amp;layer=states"/>
            <!--...other styles-->
            <!--layer extensions go here-->
        <!--...other layers-->

More information about each of the elements in the example above can be looked up in OGC WMC implementation specification

Apart from standard WMC XML elements, MapStore provides support for various extensions. These are placed inside Extension tag, and are not gueranteed to be supported outside MapStore, as they are not a part of OGC Web Map Context specification. MapStore provides two types of extensions: openlayers and mapstore-specific elements. WMC can have an Extension element inside General, and each of the Layer elements. Supported extensions in General are:


  • maxExtent if present, it's attributes are used as map's bounding box, instead of the values specified in BoundingBox tag. The values are assumed to be in a projection, specified in SRS attribute of BoundingBox
<ol:maxExtent xmlns:ol="" minx="-20037508.34" miny="-20037508.34" maxx="20037508.34" maxy="20037508.34"/>

MapStore specific:

  • GroupList defines a mapstore group list. Contains Group elements that describe a particular layer group:
<ms:GroupList xmlns:ms="">
    <ms:Group xmlns:ms="" id="Default" title="Default" expanded="true"/>
  • center defines a center of map view
<ms:center xmlns:ms="" x="1.5" y="2.5" crs="EPSG:3857"/>
  • zoom map zoom level
<ms:zoom xmlns:ms="">7</ms:zoom>

Supported extensions for each Layer element are:


  • maxExtent if present, used for the value of layer's bbox. Values are assumed to be in a projection, specified in SRS attribute of "BoundingBox"
  • singleTile specifies layer's "singleTile" property value
  • transparent is layer transparent or not, true by default
  • isBaseLayer if true, the layer is put into "backgrounds" group
  • opacity layer's opacity value
<ol:maxExtent xmlns:ol="" minx="-13885038.382960921" miny="2870337.130793682" maxx="-7455049.489182421" maxy="6338174.0557576185"/>
<ol:singleTile xmlns:ol="">false</ol:singleTile>
<ol:transparent xmlns:ol="">true</ol:transparent>
<ol:isBaseLayer xmlns:ol="">false</ol:isBaseLayer>
<ol:opacity xmlns:ol="">1</ol:opacity>


MapStore specific:

  • group specifies to which group, among listed in "GroupList" element, the layer belongs to
  • search JSON describing a filter that is applied to the layer
  • DimensionList contains Dimension elements that describe dimensions that cannot be described using standard "Dimension" tag. Currently supports dimensions of multidim-extension type:
  • CatalogServices contains Service elements that describe services available for use in Catalog.
<ms:DimensionList xmlns:ms="">
    <ms:Dimension xmlns:ms="" xmlns:xlink="" name="time" type="multidim-extension" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/>
<ms:CatalogServices selectedService="gs_stable_csw">
    <ms:Service serviceName="gs_stable_csw">
        <ms:Attribute name="url" type="string"></ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="type" type="string">csw</ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="title" type="string">GeoSolutions GeoServer CSW</ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="autoload" type="boolean">true</ms:Attribute>
    <ms:Service serviceName="gs_stable_wms">
        <ms:Attribute name="url" type="string"></ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="type" type="string">wms</ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="title" type="string">GeoSolutions GeoServer WMS</ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="autoload" type="boolean">false</ms:Attribute>
    <ms:Service serviceName="gs_stable_wmts">
        <ms:Attribute name="url" type="string"></ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="type" type="string">wmts</ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="title" type="string">GeoSolutions GeoServer WMTS</ms:Attribute>
        <ms:Attribute name="autoload" type="boolean">false</ms:Attribute>

Note, that during the exporting process, some sort of fallback for dimensions, listed as extensions, is provided inside the standard DimensionList tag whenever possible, to ensure interoperability with other geospatial software. When such a context is imported back into MapStore, the values of dimensions inside extensions will override the ones specified inside the standard DimensionList tag.

Also note, that the extension elements would be read correctly only if they belong to appropriate XML namespaces:

  • for openlayers extensions
  • for mapstore specific extensions

Usage inside MapTemplates plugin

As stated previously, WMC files can be used as map templates inside contexts. New WMC templates can be uploaded in context creation tool, after enabling the MapTemplates plugin for a context. When the context is loaded, for every template inside MapTemplates there are two options available:

  • Replace map with this template replace the currently loaded map with the one described by the template. Upon loading, the map will zoom to the extent specified in maxExtent extension or in BoundingBox tag. If the template has no visible background layers available, the default empty background will be added and set to be visible automatically.
  • Add this template to map merges layers and groups inside the template with the current map configuration. If the WMC template does not contain GroupList extension, a new group with the name extracted from Title tag of the template will be created and will contain all the layers of the template. Zoom and projection will remain unchanged.

Other considerations

Due to the limitations posed by WMC format the conversion process will not preserve the map state in it's entirety. The only supported way to do this is to export to MapStore JSON format. The WMC export option presumably should be used in cases when the WMS layers inside a MapStore map need to be used in some way with a different geospatial software suite, or to import such layers from outside MapStore or if you already have WMC context files that you want to use.

Additional map configuration options

Map configuration also contains the following additional options:

  • catalogServices object describing services configuration for Catalog
  • widgetsConfig configuration of map widgets
  • mapInfoConfiguration map info configuration options
  • dimensionData contains map time information
  • currentTime currently selected time; the beginning of a time range if offsetTime is set
  • offsetTime the end of a time range
  • timelineData timeline options
  • selectedLayer selected layer id; if not present time cursor will be unlocked
  • mapViews map views options



  "mapViews": {
    "active": true,
    "selectedId": "",
    "views": [
        "id": "",
        "title": "Title",
        "description": "<p>Description</p>",
        "duration": 10,
        "flyTo": true,
        "center": {
          "longitude": 8.93690091201193,
          "latitude": 44.39522451776296,
          "height": -0.0022900843616703204
        "cameraPosition": {
          "longitude": 8.93925651181738,
          "latitude": 44.38698231953802,
          "height": 655.705914040523
        "zoom": 17.89659156734602,
        "bbox": [
        "mask": {
          "enabled": true,
          "resourceId": "",
          "inverse": true,
          "offset": 10000
        "terrain": {
          "clippingLayerResourceId": "",
          "clippingPolygonFeatureId": "",
          "clippingPolygonUnion": true
        "globeTranslucency": {
          "enabled": true,
          "fadeByDistance": false,
          "nearDistance": 500,
          "farDistance": 50000,
          "opacity": 0.5
        "layers": [
            "id": "",
            "visibility": true,
            "opacity": 0.5
            "id": "",
            "visibility": true,
            "clippingLayerResourceId": "",
            "clippingPolygonFeatureId": "",
            "clippingPolygonUnion": false
    "resources": [
        "id": "",
        "data": {
          "type": "vector",
          "name": "mask",
          "title": "Mask",
          "id": ""
        "id": "",
        "data": {
          "type": "wfs",
          "url": "/service/wfs",
          "name": "clip",
          "title": "Clip",
          "id": ""

The mapViews properties

Name Type Description
active boolean if true the map view tool will be active at initialization
selectedId string id of the selected view
views array array of views configurations (see below)
resources array resources configurations (see below)

View configuration object

Name Type Description
id string identifier of the view
title string title of the view
description string an html string to describe the view
duration number when playing, duration in seconds of the view
flyTo boolean enable animation transition during navigation
center object center target position as
cameraPosition object point of view position as
zoom number zoom level
bbox array bounding box in WGS84 as [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
mask object optional configuration for the 3D tiles mask
mask.enabled boolean if true enables the mask
mask.resourceId string identifier of a resource configuration in the resources array
mask.inverse boolean if true enables the inverse mask
mask.offset number offset in meters for the inverse mask
terrain object optional configurations for terrain clipping
terrain.clippingLayerResourceId string identifier of a resource configuration in the resources array
terrain.clippingPolygonFeatureId string identifier of a polygonal feature available in the selected layer source to use to apply the clipping
terrain.clippingPolygonUnion boolean if true it applies inverse clipping
globeTranslucency object optional configuration for the globe translucency
globeTranslucency.enabled boolean if true enables translucency
globeTranslucency.opacity number opacity of the globe translucency, it should be a value between 0 and 1 where 1 is fully opaque
globeTranslucency.fadeByDistance boolean if true the translucency is visible only between the nearDistance and farDistance values
globeTranslucency.nearDistance number when fadeByDistance is true it indicates the minimum distance to apply translucency
globeTranslucency.farDistance number when fadeByDistance is true it indicates the maximum distance to apply translucency
layers array array of layer configuration overrides, default properties override visibility and opacity

Resource object configuration

Name Type Description
id string identifier for the resource
data object properties related to the layer used for the resource (wfs or vector type)